Benefits of Logics PowerAMR Zero Export


What is zero export

Zero export controller prevents solar plants from exporting excess power into the electricity grid. In case of unavailability of net metering, to use solar as per load requirement, the zero export device throttles the output power of inverters at phase level and optimizes the total energy generation for captive consumption. In this solution, solar will take only reference voltage from the grid, but does not export power to the grid. This way the user would be able to use grid-connected solar plant without energy export to grid.

Benefits of Logics PowerAMR Zero Export 


Key Features of Logics PowerAMR Zero Export


·       Smart Control: The device provides real time power control and will ensure that the inverter ramps down the solar production, in case of low/ no load.


·       Flawless Protection: Our System ensures that the inverter doesn’t trip and minimum or no reverse feed-in is sent back to the grid.


·       Graphical representation:  Client can log on to the PowerAMR website and see working of power control on real time through the single line diagram and graphical illustration.


·       Remote Monitoring: PowerAMR ZED simultaneously acts a Data Logger and provide real time and historical data monitoring on our Solar Management Platform


·       Deemed Generation: The system estimates the amount of energy throttled due to impact of zero export device at every 10 minute interval.  


·       Integrate Weather Sensors- Connect Zero export device with weather sensors like pyranometers, module and ambient temperature, wind sensors to get performance analysis and PR


·       Power Limiter: The system also has the provision to limit the amount of energy export, eg. For 100 KW solar plant, if net metering is permitted for 40 KW, system can export upto 40 KW of power to the grid


For more details refer









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